Tag Archives: venting

Roommate Number One: Why She Drives Me Nuts

7 Nov

I’ll probably end up writing a lot about my roommates on here, like I am going to right now (sorry I’m not sorry). They have a pretty big impact on how my sophomore year at Saint Joseph’s University is going, whether I like it or not. Some of them (not all) are also big pains in the ass.

Like I stated earlier, I am a sophomore at Saint Joseph’s University. Here, after freshman year, the on campus housing for upperclassmen are apartments that the school owns, or townhouses. I am in one of the apartments that  they have to offer. I am living in a six-person apartment, all of which are girls. It can get kind of crazy here.

For the most part, I like my roommates. Most of the time we don’t get in each other’s way, and we generally get along. However, two of my roommates annoy the living crap out of me.

One of them, who I will write about today, is the girl who I happen to share a room with. We’ll call her Chelsea. She was my roommate last year, and we shared a dorm, like most other freshman do. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize how annoying it was to live with her until it was too late. Let me list why:

1.She tends to be very quiet and negative about things. It’s almost like a dark cloud follows her where ever she goes, and it affects the entire atmosphere of the room. You have to walk on eggshells a lot with her, because she doesn’t like confrontation, and whenever she is confronted, she just closes up and prevents anyone from solving the issue at hand. But then she makes these jabbing side remarks, and expects people to just listen to what she has to say without arguing back. She is the epitome of a negative nancy (although that’s  what I sound like right now…).

2. She is very spoiled, because she was the youngest of the family, and her parents clearly didn’t discipline her very well. For example, she once told her mom that she needed to buy her new jeans because she didn’t have enough pairs, when she actually had ten pairs at school. Her mom bought her five more anyways. She didn’t say thank you. Stemming from this, she also can’t do anything for herself. At 19 years old, her mom still makes all her appointments for things such as haircuts, or check ups at the doctor, or even job interviews. She can’t think for herself, which gets very frustrating.

3. She is not responsible at all. When drinking she has no self control, and has put others in a bad situations several times. When it comes to money, her first thought is to blow it all on clothes and accessories, when she really can’t afford to. When she loses things, such as her debit card, she blames everyone else but herself. She also tends to not clean up after herself. She often leaves dishes out rather than putting them in the dishwasher. One time she even left a sandwich out from lunch time to ten at night, and when first confronted about it, she denied it was hers. The list could go on…

4. She is so boy crazy, it is unreal. She has, at times, expected me to drop my plans so I could go where she wanted to go, just so she could make out with a guy while I’d just stand there and make sure she is ok. She has made out, or done other stuff, with countless guys, and then wonders why people ask her about it.

Again, the list of her annoying traits could go on.

She’s made a lot of stupid choices lately, and has gotten herself into some pretty bad situations. And somehow, I’m always the one who helps her out, even when I’m the one she blames. I’m getting really sick of her. But she really doesn’t have anyone else here, so she latches onto me. I can’t distance myself from her. I don’t know what to do. And no one wants to constantly listen to me complain about her, so that is why I am writing about her here. I feel better already. Sorry you have to hear me complain.

I’ll write more later.
